Thursday, October 13, 2005

My Praize 2005

phobia pt. 1

I went online to see the different types of phobias out there. Well i got about fifteen pages of phobias all from A-X (there are no phobias starting with Y or Z according to this list.) Some of them seem silly, like the fear of trees? Dendrophobia. Or what about the fear of puppets? Pupaphobia. (Actually one of our LOYC teens hates Kermit the Frog with a passion.) Take the test and see who well you know your phobias...

take the test....
1. testophobia
a. squids b. playing sports c. taking tests

2. xanthophobia
a. pills b. the color yellow c. taking showers

3. verbophobia
a. taking action b. eating green veggies c. words

4. venustraphobia
a. the planet venus b. trash c. beautiful women

5. lachanophobia
a. vegetables b. milk c. being late

6. nelophobia
a. all music by Nelly b. glass c. using a computer

7. opthalmophobia
a. big mammals b. the hippo c. being starred at

8. philemaphobia
a. kissing b. reading c. asking permission

9. vestiphobia
a. clothing b. spiders c. chalk

10. panophobia
a. bread b. everything c. taking pictures

1. c; 2. b; 3. c; 4. c; 5. a; 6. b; 7. c; 8. a; 9. a; 10. b

2 Corinthians 4.18
18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Fear deals with ignorance, false pretensions. When you focus on what you can see instead of what you know to be true.

Hebrews 12:2
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him
endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Fear comes when we stop looking to God and start looking at the situation around us.
Fear is the opposite of Faith.

Just like being afraid of beautiful women or being afraid of glass may seem ridiculous, being fearful of our situations is not right. If we trust GOD and His word.

Truth University: Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.

Monday, October 03, 2005

you talking to me? (pt. 3)

As a quick recap, when we first started talking about prayer, we agreed that God wants open communication with us and we need and open communication with Him. Why? Because talking with God benefits us and not talking to God hurts us.

So moving on from that thought, we must talk to god no matter what!

Life gets hard at times. It also gets very good at times. And we sometimes, depending on our mood or our circumstances, will put off talking to God. But because of the first two points, we must never stop talking to God. Never!

(When Others Stop) Joshua was with Moses like an assistant. Whenever Moses went to pray, Joshua would follow as well. However, when Moses would finish praying, Joshua would stay behind. (Exodus 33.11). Just because others stop, doesn’t mean you have to. Moses was the spiritual leader, but Joshua needed more from God. I may sometimes offend you, the Pastor may sometimes rub you the wrong way. No matter what others do, do not let them stop you from talking with God.

(When Others Want To Stop You) Hannah was a woman who wanted a baby. She was made fun of by her family. When she went to church to pray, she was so passionate, so into talking with God, that the priest, the Pastor of the church, thought she was drunk. He told her to stop. Hannah explained what she was doing and the Pastor prayed for her and she got her baby. (1 Samuel 1.10-17). Hannah prayed when she was totally hurt and she also prayed when she was extremely happy (1 Samuel 2.1-10). When others want to stop you from talking to God, you must not give up!

(When You Want To Stop Yourself) There was a man in the Bible who went to Jesus and said, “If you want to heal my boy I know you can.” And Jesus replied, “If? All you need to do is believe.” And the man said something very powerful. The man quickly replied, “I believe. Help me with my doubt.” There are times when we want to stop ourselves from talking to God. We don’t “feel” like it. We begin doubting the benefits. We start to question if it is worth it. That is when we say, “God, I believe, but you must help me with my doubts.” And you push through.