Tuesday, January 31, 2006

:[face 2 face]: pt. 2

the song says... "this is the air I breathe... your holy presence, living in me... i'm desperate for you..." and I think: Are we desperate for Him?

By desperate I mean extremely urgent, extremely intense want, need, desire.

If we stand in line for an hour and nothing moves, we get so frustrated we'd do anything to make somethign happen. If we are stuck in a small room where the air is so bad, so regunant that we can hardly breath, we use all our strength and all our know-how to get out of that room. Whatever it takes.

Desperation makes us do a lot of things. Usually desperation has a negative conotation. But when are we going to be desperate for God? Get to the point that we will do anythig, say anything, go anywhere, forget about everybody and concentrate on GOD... to touch Him, hear Him, see Him.

To be like the woman who had een bleeding for 12 years... to push people out of the way no matter what laws she was breaking... she wanted to get to Jesus and nothign was goign to stop her. She was desperate.

But how do we get like that? So driven, so insanely focused on God that nothign else matters? Does somethign bad have to happen inour lives? Or is it possible that in our pursuit of meeting face 2 face with Him , that we find out so much about who He is that this insaitbale craving for God begins to build up and can not be quieted until we are nose to nose with our maker. To smell the breath of God. To feel His eyelashes against our eyelids.

Until then... let's speak things that are not a though they were... "i'm desperate for you... i'm desperate for you..."

:[face 2 face]:

There are certain things that need to be done face to face such as breaking up with a girlfriend, settling an argument, interviewing an prospective employee, and getting to know someone. By the same token, to have a thriving, deep relationship with God, we need to have a face to face encounter with Him.
What scares us from having a face to face with God? Probably that when we get so close to Him, we can not fake anything. Nothing is hidden. We are vulnerable. He can see our flaws. Our true selves. By keeping God at arms length, we hurt ourselves.
Is it time to bring God close? To be eye ball to eye ball with Him. To be face to face with God. To let Him see our imperfections and our deep wounds.
When we drop the facade, when we allow God to get close, we will enjoy the benefits that come with a face to face relationship with God. He will help us through our hurts, heal us from our past and guide us into a victorious future. Get close to God. Get in His face. And then we will start mirroring Him.

Friday, January 06, 2006


Two books that i think are pretty good, pretty good... they deal with companies, marketing, advertising, relationships and all that worldly stuff. easily applicable to the church life, espicailly youth ministry.
  • Never Wrestle With A Pig: Making it in the coporate world is very similar to making it in the "churchy" world... morals, ethics, ideas, advise... The title? Don't wreslte with a pig becuase the pig always wins and you end up dirty. Hmmmm? Think about it.
  • Purple Cow: Just started reading this one, but man, good stuff. The jist so far? The world is filled with ordinary products, you have to be remarkable to be noticed. You must be a Purple Cow in a field of brown hefers.