Friday, July 27, 2007

lemme share something

I was studying for next Wednesday. We will be discussing Moses. And I ran across this and thought I would share:

"Within both Egyptian and Hebrew culture it was believed that a person's name revealed the very essence of one bearing it. It is for that reason that the Bible will sometimes explain a name (such as that of Moses, for example) or it will recount the changing of a name to better reflect a person (such as when Jacob became Israel and Abram became Abraham).
The ancient Egyptians and Hebrews took their belief that a name was to be the exact representation of the person one step further. They believed that to know a person's name was to know that person wholly and utterly, even to the extent of sometimes having power and authority over that person." from the devotion

This makes the request Moses made of God even more profound. When Moses saw the burning bush and turned towards it, God called to Moses. He gave Moses the charge to go back to Egypt. AND THEN Moses asked, "Whom shall I say is sending me?" In a nutshell Moses was saying: I want to KNOW you. I want to know the real you. I want to wholly and utterly know God.

This in it of itself is amazing. From the get go, Moses wanted more than a superficial relationship with God. He wanted to know his NAME. His very being. His essence. His power. His authority.

Learn from Moses. Follow his lead. ASK GOD QUESTIONS. Get to know Him. Test Him. Confront Him. Turn around and see the burning bush. And when He calls your name, say "Here I Am."

Thursday, July 26, 2007

july info_page

in sync

Psalms 26.3 says: So I never lose sight of your love, But keep in step with you, never missing a beat. [MSG]

God has a beat. A heart beat. We have to make His hearbeat our heartbeat. When it isn't, then we are off beat and we "sound" bad. But when we listen and learn (from His Word) his rhythm and immitate His beat, then He showers us with blessings (good stuff).

How do we get in sync with God?

S= be saved. This is the first, most basic step. The only way you can hear Him is to be a part of His family. You have to confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead.

Y= begin to yield. The Holy SPirit live sin you and is constantly speaking to you. Teaching you. Guiding you. You have to stop and listen to the still small voice. The more you yeild to his voice, the stronger it gets.

N= never give up. Even the most tight bands get off beat at times. It happens. When you get off beat from God, don't give up. Decide right now that no matter what you will strive to stay on beat. And if you have a set back, it won't stop you.

C= become contagious. People who are in sync with God are simply contagious. They have an inner peace and joy. They don't care who ridicules becuase having God's heartbeat makes them confident.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

this & that

The story goes as follows: God promised Abraham that his family would be so big-- you couldn't count 'em. Abraham waited what seemed like forever for the promise to come true. Finally, when Abraham and Sarah were very old, they had a son, Isaac. Then God decided to test Abraham. He told Abraham to give up his son.

Can you imagine the three day trek Abrham had to take to the moutain where he was going to sacrifice his son? There must have been tears. The inner turmoil.

God wants us to get rid of our "this" to make room for God's "that." Abraham's "this" was his son. God was testing him to see if his "this" would get in the way. Did Abraham love his "this" more than his God. Becuase Abrham did not spare his "this" then God promised to bless (good stuff) him tremendously.

When we get rid of the "this" in our lives then God's good stuff has room. He wants to pour in to our lives with limit... but we have "this" things that stand in the way. "This" things take up our time, our energy, our money, our attention. Some examples of "this" things are...
Attitudes: Rebillious attitude. I-Don't-Care Attitudes. We need to break 'em. We need to dispose of our "this" attitude becuase God wants to give you good stuff like peace, love, joy.
Habits: Things we do over and over again. It may be web sites, chat rooms, relationships that do not advance our life as Christians. In fact, they detour us from our journey to be more like Christ.
Hobbies: Not every "this" in our life is necessarily bad. But some of us have so many things we doing that they push God further and further down the priority list. Evaluate your activies, you hobbies. Are you doing things that are just busy stuff and push God out of the way.

I challeng you to get rid of one "this" thing today. Just one! It can be the easiest thing. And when you get rid of that "this" thing in your life, you will realize that you are have made room for God's "that". His "that" is so much better. Perfect even.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ziplock God

My wife uses ziplock baggies for everything. Obviously for food-- sandwiches, crackers, fruit, vegetables-- but also for traveling-- jewelry, clothes, toiletries. She uses the plastic bags to separate, protect and keep things safe.

God is a ziplock kind of God. In John 10.27-30, Jesus says that no one (especially the Destroyer and Thief) can snatch them (sheep) out of his hands. When we put our life in God's hand, we know we will be protected and safe no matter what.

So how do we get in God's hand? Verse 27 says we must "listen and follow" him. To be underneath God's umbrella of protection, we must listen to Him and follow Him. We can listen to Him by attending church serves (like the turnaround on Wednesday nights and Sunday morning). But we don;t have to go to church to listen from God. We can read His word, meditate on Scripture, sing songs that praise Him.

How do we follow Him? Put what ever you "heard" while listening to Him into practice. The word "follow" is an action verb. So put your faith in action. When confronted with a choice between doing right and doing wrong-- chose to do right. To follow Him means to be like Him, do what He would do, speak like He would speak.

Personally, whenever I am disobedient or don't listen and follow Him, I step from underneath His umbrella of protection and feel vulnerable. Get under God's umbrella, ella, ella-- ehh ehh ehh.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Happy 29th Birthday Ms. Michal!

Ms. Michal Turns 29 tomorrow (Friday) July 13th.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

looky looky

the birdies laffing...

i would kick one too...

i classic...