Tuesday, October 09, 2007


The dictionary defines fasting as a period of self-denial. To deny the body what it wants.... hmmmm. Seems to me that this discipline of fasting might have the stigma of being just for adults. Or even better-- for the older adults. Whatever the case, "fasting is not for me. I'm too young. I'm too busy. I don't understand it."

Whatever the excuse, it doesn't jive. LOYC has talked about the importance of fasting in the past. It brings us closer to God. It helps us get our body (the fleshy desires if you will) in check. So that is why we are calling all our LOYC students to FLOW for the month of October. FLOW stand for Fasting Lunch On Wednesdays. Each Wednesday at lunch, push the plate aside and pray. Pray for what? Glad you asked...
1. Fast & Pray for our AMPLIFY weekend. For teenagers to encounter God in a fresh way.
2. Fast & Pray for our youth church. For a true hunger and thirst for God and His Word.
3. Fast & Pray for yourself. Whatever you need, make it known to God.

Links about fasting: All About God, Spiritual Disciplines, Why Fast?

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