Thursday, April 24, 2008


Fakeness stops us from being who God wants us to be. Fakeness grips us and we can't move forward. Fakeness holds us hostage. Break free from being fake. How?

In Isaiah 6 God shows up at church and Isaiah declares he is a sinner. After that declaration, an angle touches Isaiah's lips with a hot coal and takes away his sin. Then God asks, "Who can I send?" And Isaiah replies "Me!"

What happens here? First, Isaiah RECOGNIZES
that God is moving. It was pretty easy becuase of all the smoke, the angles and the Lord himself seated on a throne. We must recognize those moments in our life when God wants to speak to us. when God wants to grab our attention.

Secondly, Isaiah REVEALED himself to God. There is a difference between God knowing who we are (I mean, He created us, made us, formed us) and us deciding to reveal ourselves to God. Our real selves. Many times we prefer to smell like cheap fake perfume instead of letting God take a whiff of our real scent. "God I am a liar, a cheater, a doubter, an adulterer, a killer, a faker" Whatever you are, reveal yourself to God because then you can

RECEIVE God's forgiveness. The angles came down and passed the hot coal on his lips. Isaiah received his forgiveness only after he REVEALED himself to God.

And then the call went out and Isaiah RESPONDED. When ever you have an encounter with God, He will lay something in your heart. A desire. What will you do with it? Will you reject the calling He places n your heart? Or will you respond to it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very good pastor....true to the heart.