Tuesday, November 29, 2005


In the parable of the talents, a manager hands three of his employees varying amounts of money. He gives Ray-Ray five hundred dollars, Ted two hundred dollars, and Bubba one hundred dollars. Each employee does something different with the money and when the manager returns he wants to know what happened with his money. Ray-Ray and Ted both doubled their money through wise investments. Bubba however did nothing with his money. He stuck it in the bottom of the sock drawer. The manager was so disappointed in Bubba he took his hundred and gave it to Ray-Ray.
We have one life to live. God gave us this life and we must make the most out of it. This life comes with a body we must take care of and talents and skills we must use for good. Don't be passive, seeing life pass you by. Be aggressive, take charge, do what you know is right!
Are you like Bubba and sticking your life in the bottom of the sock drawer doing absolutely nothing with it? Or are you investing your life wisely like Ray-Ray and Ted? Evaluate yourself before the manager comes back to check up on us.

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