Thursday, July 26, 2007

in sync

Psalms 26.3 says: So I never lose sight of your love, But keep in step with you, never missing a beat. [MSG]

God has a beat. A heart beat. We have to make His hearbeat our heartbeat. When it isn't, then we are off beat and we "sound" bad. But when we listen and learn (from His Word) his rhythm and immitate His beat, then He showers us with blessings (good stuff).

How do we get in sync with God?

S= be saved. This is the first, most basic step. The only way you can hear Him is to be a part of His family. You have to confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead.

Y= begin to yield. The Holy SPirit live sin you and is constantly speaking to you. Teaching you. Guiding you. You have to stop and listen to the still small voice. The more you yeild to his voice, the stronger it gets.

N= never give up. Even the most tight bands get off beat at times. It happens. When you get off beat from God, don't give up. Decide right now that no matter what you will strive to stay on beat. And if you have a set back, it won't stop you.

C= become contagious. People who are in sync with God are simply contagious. They have an inner peace and joy. They don't care who ridicules becuase having God's heartbeat makes them confident.

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