Monday, May 08, 2006

Next game should be...

For three Wednesday nights I have tried to give away some money. It all started with a five dollar bill up for grabs to anyone who could successfully take out the wishbone in OPERATION. Last Wednesday the ante was up to $20. Several tried to take out the Charley Horse. No one succeeded. So what should the next game be? I got money to give away but I want you to work for it. Here are some choices (and use the comment button to make your selection or voice a different option.)
  • Perfection... get all the shapes in their right place before the whole thing pops.

  • Monkeys In A Barrel... hook 'em all up takes... takes, um... skill?

  • Jenga... pile it up and then try to take it down without taken it all down.


Anonymous said...

JENGA!!! I loved to paly that game when I was younger.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.