Sunday, May 14, 2006

What you doing on Wednesday nights?

LOYC meets for their weekly program on Wednesday nights at what we call "THE SPOT" starting at 7PM till 8PM. What happens afterwards? My teens know that at 9PM I gotta be in front of a Cathode Ray Tube (television) tuned to the American Broadcast Company (ABC) for my dose of LOST.

If you like LOST, then you love LOST. If you don't like LOST, then you make fun of us who watch it loyally. Go ahead... make fun. I would too.

Why do I like this show so much? I shut the TV off every Wednesday night at 10PM with more questions then answers. Many situations and events I don't understand. And whenever you start investing time and emotion in certain characters, they invariably get killed off. So what's the draw? The attraction?

On the surface, I like the production, the story line, the premises. I like the themes, especially this season of Faith versus Science. To believe in something that you can't see or tatally understand instead of leaning on our own feeble minds. The search for answers not just what is happening immediately, but the big ones such as... why are we here? what is our purpose?

The show is very entertaining. But if you dig a little pass the sand, you'll begin to see an allegory of this world. A world filled with people who are LOST. Some, like John Locke, want to lead thier lives with FAITH. Others, like the good doctor, believe in head knowledge--and if you can't logically explain something then you haven't tried hard enough. It is a world full of Charlie's, who have struggled with drugs or sex and addictions in their past and the consequences of bad choices made. And what about that Ana Lucia (killed off 2 episodes ago) who learned to deal with her negative emotions and revenge... we encounter these people everyday. We walk pass them, we hand them money at Walmart, wait for the traffic light together, sit in church together, take tests at the same time, work out together, and sleep in the same house. Sometimes, you see that person every morning looking back at you in the bathroom mirror.

What do we do when we meet these LOST people? Do we touch their lives? Do we leave an fingerprint of our lives on thiers? Do we speak to them? encourage them? help them? Or do we sail by unscathed... hoping our lives never intersect again?

Jesus said that he came to find and restore or save that which was lost. And later charged us to go into this LOST world and do the same. Let's stop being self involved. Let's reach out and help restore the LOST.

And while you're at it, let's watch the two-hour season finale of LOST on Wednesday night starting at 9PM... no, you don't have to do that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.