Thursday, August 17, 2006

Relax (Pt. 1)

Psalms 46.10 encourages us to "be still and know that [He] is God." The Message version says it more plainly... "Step out of traffic and take a long, loving look at God."

The world has a bunch of noise. Not all of it is bad. Television, radio, music, drama, ipods, cell phones, video games, and on and on... But anything in excess is not good for you. All God is asking is for a few minutes each day where you turn off the noise of the world.

I challenge you to shut off the electronics, close the magazine, sit down and breathe. Relax. Do it for 60 seconds. Do it for 2 minutes. And while you have the world noise turned off, focus on God. Find out about Him. Think about Him. Get to know Him.

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