Thursday, August 24, 2006

Relax [Pt 2]

After turning off the noise of the world, what do you do? Do you meditate like yogo? Chant something? Ommmmmmm... No. Matthew 6.33 says if "we seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, then everythign else will follow." This means Focus on God and everythign else will fall into place. So when you take your 5 minutes, 10 minutes out of the day to RELAX, it is to focus on God so that all the other junk in your life (the problems at home, the issues at school, the relaitonships, the work situation) will fall into place. So that God can take care of it all. Here is an easy way to relax...
  • R: Reflect on God. Remeber all the good stuff He has done for you. Clothes? Food? Shelter? Mercy? Life? Check, check and triple check.
  • E: Eject the world. You've got to kick out the world and it's influences out of your head.
  • L: Listen carefully. DOn't know what to do about a certain situation? Struggling with temptation? Listen to how God wants you to handle it.
  • A: Ask wisely. Have a time wher eyou ask God for direction in your life. Don't spend this time with your list of "I want this and that..." Ask wisely.
  • X: eXpect change. His word says that if we focus on Him then everythign else will fall into place. So expect that to happen and watch your faith become stronger.

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