Thursday, October 12, 2006

Lost (Let it go)

Yesterday we discussed the positive side of things being Lost. Sometimes it is good to lose. Jesus said, "If you grasp and cling to life on your terms, you will lose it, but if you let go of that life, you will have life on God's terms." We have got to realize that any plan, idea, goal we have for our own life pales in comparison to what God has planned. God's terms are much better than our terms. So we must learn to let go.

We must lose our hold for God to have control.

What are some things we are holding on to tightly that we should let go of?
  1. Let go of the ATTITUDE: Whether it is anger, an air of rebillion or just plain "mean-mugging" nastiness, let go of it. Sometimes we hold on to our attitudes becuase it is a crutch, a feel-good, and we are afraid to see what we cna become with it. Let it go.
  2. Let go of your HABITS: Habits can be broken if you replace them with something else. If staying in front of the computer gets you into trouble, then break it by getting that computer out of your room and into a heavy traffic area in your house. Do whatever it takes to let go of the habits that are keeping you from lif ein God's terms. Let it go.
  3. Let go of your RELATIONSHIPS: Sometimes it's not even a specific individual you are holding on to tightly. It is the idea of having someone that you think you can't live without. Let go of that boyfriend/girlfriend and make God your priority.

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