Thursday, October 12, 2006

Spotlight on... Reggie Dabbs

Most of LOYC knows Reggie Dabbs and what it means to sit down and listen to him speak. First of all, you spend most of your time son your feet (voluntarily or cuz he's told ya to get up). Secondly, he will have you laughing and then all of a sudden like a sharp curve on a slippery road, you will be sucker punched emotionally, leaving God an avenue to work in your life.

Reggie Dabbs will be speaking Winterfest Weekend (March 9-11, 2007). Get to know him: He has a myspace account with 3,000 plus friends (go ahead, add him); read his testimony (his story); and visit his website.

My personal Reggie Dabbs anecdote? Click here.


Anonymous said...

i'm late on this post.
but i must say, i LOVE Reggie Dabbs=)

Anonymous said...

reggie dabbs is an awsome speaker... i can't wait til winterfest it will be awsome!!!!