Thursday, July 20, 2006

20/20 Vision [Pt. 2]

here are the notes from last night... they may not make sense, that's why you shoulda been there!

What creates bad vision?

If you want bad vision then eat a lot of junk food, and avoid healthy, whole foods. Do tons of reading and computer work without ever looking away. Really focus hard on what you are doing. Don't take breaks or breathe very much. Wear really strong glasses that make things sharper and clearer than you had ever imagined possible. See narrowly, unaware of what is around you. Live a stressful, fast-paced life, and never stop to smell the roses and relax. Focus on what is wrong with the world and your life. Think negative.

3 Steps for better vision... Physically and Spiritually

1. Don’t sweat the small stuff...

Take breaks. Breath. Exercise your eye muscles. Did you know that those who have more schooling are usually nearsighted because they spend more time focusing on the small stuff (accountants, educators, etc.)? Farmers and hunters have in general better eye sight because they continually focus near and far. Lesson: Don’t sweat the small stuff. Although what is at hand is of some importance, always keep your priorities straight. A wise person prepares for the future and learns from the past as well as live sin the present.

2. Get rid of your crutches...

People who were stronger eyeglass prescriptions experience weaker vision. The remedy? Wear slightly weaker eyeglasses which allows for the eye to fluctuate. We can not rely on someone else’s vision for our lives. Your mom’s, friend’s, youth pastor’s relationship with God will not take you far.

3. Be still...

Give your sight a break. Walk around. Enjoy nature. Be still and know that He is God. When we ask God for a vision for our life, linger a bit to see what He says. Don’t just walk away quickly. Make it a dialogue and then quiet down. Meditate.

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