Thursday, July 13, 2006

20/20 Vision [Pt One]

Not only is it frustrating to you when you can't see something, it is frustrating to others. My wife gets irritated when I'm driving and I can't read street signs or highway billboards because it's "blurry." You must get a vision for your life! A teen without a vision is running aimlessly through life. No purpose. But when you get a vision for your life... you have direction. Purpose. And you are not easily deterred.

In Proverbs it states that without vision, you die. If you can't see where you are going, you're in danger of losing yoru life. That serious? Yea.

So how do you get a vision for your life? Here is a simple, quick overview... I like being practical, but let's begin in a general sense... Read about the blind man in Mark Chapter 8 and follow along.

#1 Seek God For Your Vision: When you want direction for your life don't look to the world. Don't try to emulate the celebrities. Don't seek the magazines and the TV shows for direction. Seek God. (The blind man came to Jesus and asked him for vision.)
#2 Seperate From The World: Jesus led the blin dman out of the village. Get away from influences. When trying to get a vision form God, cut off the bad relaitonships. Steal away time alone. Even Jesus would go tot he mountainside alone a ttime sot pray. If He has to get away from the influences to pray, how much more do we?
#3 Give It Time: Since we like things fast, now, hurry... When it comes to God we get frustrated. But He likes goign through a process. And we have to give it time. Jesus placed His hands on the blnd man's eyes twice. The first time he saw blurry and the second time he could see clearly. He could have healed the man the first time, but for some reason he decided to go through a process. The wait is worth it.


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