Friday, July 21, 2006

It has started: Big Brother 7 All Stars

Read at your own risk... So it started probably 3 weeks ago, what me and my wife very "nerdly" await for every summer: Big Brother. I know, I know, it's relality TV. It entails lying, back stabbing, competitions, voting, and all that other stuff. Keep in mind we are not reality TV junkies. Never seen more than two episodes of Survivor. Although we think the Amazing Race is awesome, we just never invest the time to see it through. And we do catch things like Hell's Kitchen or a few Apprentice shows, but that's because we don't have cable so when you have four channels to choose from, your pickings are slim.

But we do make time for Big Brother. Our three simple rules for BB? #1) Don't call during Big Brother. #2) Don't plan something during Big Brother. #3) And be excited about Big Brother.

None of my teens watch BB. And only one other family member is into it as we are (I would divulge his/her name but why drag them into this?) So what's the draw? For some reason, since the first time Julie Chen came on screen and explained the whole Big Brother system, it entrigued us. We sometimes think, if we were in that house what would we do. Thing is, we see all (or at least what the producers wants us to see). And in any case, we certainly see more than the other house guests. When each one goes into the "diary room" to talk openly about others, about schemes, about plans... then we are privy to that information. Makes us think, what if we lived in a world where we could see everything? You act one way in public but when the door is closed, what are you really thinking? What are you really planning? what is your honest opnion?

Ahhh, curiosity.

So last night a girl named "Nikomus" got kicked out. The Season 6 people are still strong. Chill Town are still scheming. And if you don't know what's going on, it's okay. I know I'm weird. Just hang with me till the season finale. Oh, who do I want to win? Glad you asked. It's up in the air between Kaysar and Danielle. Nobody else really. Why? Kaysar gives a sense of integrity in a game known for anythign but. And Danielle? She made it all the way two the top two in a previous season with a dude named Jason. He was christian. And for some reason, I am rooting for her.

Forgive us this one thing.

1 comment:

Carols' God blog said...

Hey Pastor Jesse, That's okay everybody has programs they like and don't tell others about it. No need to apologize.

(Jordans mom)